Thursday, January 29, 2009

My "baby" turns 4!

K loves the animals lately. She probably has about 15 of these plastic animals now that she takes everywhere, and she has named each one. Some include: Sandy (a horse), Angelina (a tiger), Stripes (the zebra), Spirit (another horse), Fluffy (a dog), Brownie (another horse), Sir Trenton (yet another horse), and three elephants - all named Ellie. I'm not sure how she keeps the elephants straight, but it is quite funny listening to her play, calling each of her animals by name. She asked for a barbie also. "You know how I wanted a barbie for Christmas and I didn't get one? So now I want one for my birthday."

I tried to put only 4 candles on the cake (makes perfect sense, right?) but she wanted a circle. It's hard to make a circle out of only 4 candles, so we just kept putting on more until we had a circle. I think there were 13. Her day, her way. It didn't really matter.

Then we realized why we should only have to blow out our age. It took her a few tries to get them all out.

There's a picture to treasure. They are all looking so old! 4 to 14. And finally a picture where no one is making a funny face. One more thing: kids say and do such funny things and I need to do a better job of recording them so I don't forget. K said something funny the day after her birthday. We've been telling her for the last year that she will get to go to school when she's 4. Well, she turned 4, woke up the next morning at the same time as the older kids (which is strange, since she's usually sleeping when they leave for the bus) and said, "I get to go to school now." It made me wonder if she thought I was going to put her on the bus that very morning to go to school. I think she would've done it! I hope it's that easy when it really is time for her to start school.

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Company EIGHT said...

I'm laughing about the candles! Your a good mom--you always make birthdays extra special. As for Miss K, I really can't believe she's 4!!

DeShelle said...

It is so strange to go through the "last stage" of kids. When Shane lost his first tooth, I realized we would never have that experience again. It makes all the milestones bitter sweet. Your kids are beautiful!

luckyduck said...

It's funny what kids like. I love that she has a name for every animal - I agree with her that Ellie is a great name! ;-)

eight happy "hardts" said...

I love little K's personality, the circle of candles was great. I love "her day, her way". FUN, FUN. Can I have a birthday at your house with that same "her day, her way"? hehe